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Over the past few years, members have received calls, emails and text messages stating that their account has been disabled. They are requested to provide their card or login information to re-activate the account.
Keep in mind that Beaver Valley FCU would never contact you by telephone, email or text message with a request for debit card verification, User ID's, password or other personal information.
If you receive a message like this, do not respond. If you have given out account information, please contact the credit union immediately.
In an attempt to address the rising cybercrime threat, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) unveiled an online tool designed to help consumers avoid becoming victims of Internet scams.
At the website,, you will see information regarding identity theft, phishing, spam and online-shopping scams. Elsewhere on the site, you can find detailed guidance on how to monitor your credit histories, use effective passwords and recover from identity theft.
The FBI has developed a website to help Internet users identify and report online criminal practices. The Internet Crime Complaint Center explains the program and contains contact information.