Your entire net paycheck, or a specified allotment, can be electronically transferred to your credit union account. Once your funds reach the credit union, we will distribute to other savings, checking and/or loans accounts according to your instructions.
Just take a few minutes to visit either credit union office and sign an "Authorization for Direct Deposit", call one of our member service representatives, or email us at JavaScript must be turned on in order for this site to display properly to start your safe, convenient, and worry-free direct deposit.
BVFCU's audio response service is known as 24 Hour Teller-Phone. Just call from any touch-tone phone and you can make transactions and inquiries:
View a Printable Transaction Guide
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You'll also enjoy these money management advantages:
You must authorize (in writing) accounts to which you require telephone access. You do not have to be an owner of the account to transfer funds INTO savings, checking or loans. HOWEVER, you will not have access to make inquiries or transfer funds FROM these accounts.
Beaver Valley FCU can offer you REDEMPTION of U.S. Savings Bonds.
We will calculate the value of your existing bonds, and identify those that are fully matured. You can even redeem your bonds for cash or deposit at either credit union office.
You can also calculate the value of your paper savings bonds at the TreasuryDirect website.
Visit Beaver Valley FCU for your savings bonds transactions. We’re here to serve you.
BVFCU provides Credit Union Money Orders (up to a value of $1,000 each) at a fee of $2.00 each ($1.00 for Seniors).
Beaver Valley FCU provides ATM service at our Beaver Falls and Bridgewater offices. Our ATM is designed exclusively for anyone carrying a Visa Credit Card or Visa Debit Card. It provides cash dispenser service only... you cannot make a deposit or loan payment at these machines.
No fees or surcharges will be imposed when you use your Beaver Valley Federal Credit Union VISA Card at our ATMs.
A night depository is available for your convenience at our Beaver Falls and Bridgewater offices. It's a perfect solution when you work late or are in a hurry during regular office hours.
The depository will be emptied ONLY ONCE each morning. Your deposit will be verified by two tellers and promptly posted to your account. Deposits left before 9:00 a.m. will be processed that day; deposits made after 9:00 a.m. will be processed the next business day.
Nothing can match the convenience provided by the drive-up window at Beaver Valley FCU's Bridgewater office.
The following guidelines will help make this service work better for everyone:
The following services are not available at the drive-up window:
The drive-up teller service will accommodate one car at a time, but the traffic pattern will allow for up to seven cars to queue for the window. A pneumatic tube system and video/audio equipment aid in making transactions easily from the comfort of your driver's seat.